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What is Global Talent Stream (GTS)?

By June 17, 2024 No Comments

The Global Talent Stream (GTS) is an immigration program launched by the Government of Canada in June 2017 to facilitate the immigration of skilled workers. For use by Canadian employers, it is aimed to facilitate the hiring of foreign workers in some specific occupations that are stretched by the shortage of skills. 

To be eligible for GTS, a person should meet the following conditions:

The GTS program has two main streams – one for employers looking to hire highly-skilled foreign nationals and one for global talent workers who have the skills and experience to contribute to Canada’s innovation economy:


To be qualified, employers have to be in operation in Canada, must show a requirement for specialized skills not available locally, have to meet some minimum revenues/investment requirements, and have to exert reasonable effort in giving Canadians a chance first. This will also require them to provide a work force demographic projection and a Labor Market Benefits Plan of their manpower requirements and benefits to the economy.

Highly Skilled Foreign Workers:

In the context of GTS under the employee stream, individuals with skills and experience in one of the occupational categories are eligible for the permanent residence and must have a genuine job offer from an endorsing employer, meet minimum language requirements, and intend to reside in a province or territory of Canada except for Quebec.

In-Demand Occupations Under GTS

The GTS to date is currently set at 13 occupations for industries such as information technology, visual effects and digital animation, but these can be changed if new, fresh talent shortages reappear. The most in-demand occupations are:

– Computer programmers and software designers

– Web developers, computer programmers, or interactive media developers 

– Website designers and designers (this involves animators and graphic designers)

– Data scientists

– Electronics engineers

These occupations coincide with Canada’s goal of increasing its technology, healthcare, movie visual effects, and artificial intelligence industries.

Key Benefits and Advantages  

For employers, the Global Talent Stream (GTS) offers several advantages over regular work permits:

  1. Faster Processing Times: GTS applications are processed within two weeks, significantly faster than regular work permits, which can take several months. This rapid turnaround allows employers to quickly fill critical roles.
  2. Access to High-Skilled Talent: GTS enables employers to attract and hire highly skilled foreign workers who possess the specialized expertise and experience needed for complex roles, particularly in the tech and STEM fields.
  3. No Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for Category A: For employers who are referred by a designated referral partner under Category A, the need for an LMIA is waived, simplifying the hiring process.
  4. Streamlined LMIA for Category B: For positions that fall under Category B, which includes high-demand occupations, the LMIA process is more streamlined and less burdensome compared to the regular LMIA process.
  5. Custom Labour Market Benefits Plan (LMBP): Employers can develop a customized LMBP, outlining how their company will benefit the Canadian labour market through job creation, skills and training investments, and other positive impacts.
  6. Employer Support: Dedicated service channels are available to support employers throughout the application process, ensuring compliance and addressing any concerns promptly.
  7. Boost to Innovation: By enabling access to global talent, GTS helps companies drive innovation and remain competitive in the global market.
  8. Scalability: The ability to quickly onboard highly skilled workers allows businesses to scale operations efficiently and respond to market demands more effectively.
  9. Pathway to Permanent Residency: GTS workers often have pathways to permanent residency, making it an attractive option for skilled foreign workers who wish to settle in Canada long-term. This can improve employee retention and satisfaction.

For applicants, GTS provides:  

  1. Faster Processing Times: GTS applications are processed within two weeks, allowing applicants to start their new roles in Canada much faster compared to the lengthy processing times for regular work permits.
  2. Express Entry Eligibility: Many positions under GTS qualify for the Express Entry system, providing a clear and streamlined pathway to permanent residency in Canada for skilled workers.
  3. High-Demand Occupations: Jobs under GTS often fall within high-demand sectors, such as technology and engineering, which typically offer competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, and excellent working conditions.
  4. Professional Growth: Working for leading companies in Canada provides applicants with significant opportunities for professional development, career advancement, and the chance to work on cutting-edge projects and technologies.
  5. Spousal and Dependent Permits: Applicants’ spouses and dependent children are eligible for open work permits and study permits, respectively, allowing the entire family to live, work, and study in Canada.
  6. Living in Canada: Canada is known for its high quality of life, including excellent healthcare, education, and social services, as well as a multicultural and inclusive society.
  7. Settlement Services: Various settlement services are available to help new arrivals integrate into Canadian society, including language training, community connections, and job search assistance for spouses.
  8. Global Recognition: Gaining work experience in Canada, a leading global economy, enhances an applicant’s resume and professional reputation internationally.

GTS Work Permit and PR Processing Time

One of the biggest incentives for using the GTS program is the fast processing times it offers for both temporary and permanent immigration.

– GTS Work Permits: It is normally prepared and accorded within 10-15 calendar days.

– PR Applications: The decision is to be made within the GTS stream in 60-80 days.

(Note: While the GTS aims for expedited processing times, actual processing times can vary depending on various factors, such as the completeness of the application, current workload, and other circumstances. It’s advisable to check the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website from time to time.)

This predictability makes it possible for employers to acquire key talent quickly since they are assured that the candidates will join their institutions permanently. Applicants can also attain permanent status and benefits much earlier than in the other programs.

There are many small and big details regarding the occupations that are eligible for GTS, documents needed, requirements for settlement, family members, etc., that are better addressed with help from a professional.

Some key ways experienced Canadian immigration lawyers can help are:

– Inform which positions and, hence, which employees should be advised

– Generate LMIA-exempt offer of employment and other required documents  

– Additional help with questions and checklist pertaining to IRCC

– Be responsible for managing the PR application procedures and the post-PR landing procedures.

Using legal expertise optimizes your chance of approval of the GTS application, allowing you to hire the best talent from across the globe faster. Contact our Canadian immigration lawyers at Immigrationway now to find out more.