Express Entry

PTE: The Latest Addition to Canada’s List of Accepted English Tests for Canadian Immigration

By December 10, 2024 January 22nd, 2025 No Comments

Language proficiency is essential to prove the candidate’s eligibility in the Canadian immigration process. Being proficient in either language, English or French, is a requirement to get yourself ranked in the Express Entry system.

People who have completed the immigration process and moved to Canada have tested their language skills through the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP). In 2024, Canada recognized the Pearson Test of English (PTE) as a third language testing pathway. With this change, people can have a better chance of increasing their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores, making it easier to get a Canadian PR.

This blog explains the PTE language test and how it streamlines the Canadian immigration process and benefits immigrant candidates.

Importance of English Proficiency for Canadian Immigration

English is a globally competent language and an essential skill to master. Immigration candidates planning to move to Canada must fulfill several eligibility requirements to enter the Express Entry system, including proving English proficiency. Scores from language tests are collected and considered under the CRS score. A higher score increases the applicant’s chances of getting a Canadian PR. 

Canada is known for its strict immigration process. However, the country is trying to be more accessible, allowing applicants to enter legally based on their qualifications. With more skilled and qualified applicants, Canada aims to fill the labour gaps and contribute to economic development.

What is PTE?

The Pearson Test of English tests applicants based on their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. It follows a computer-based format and is globally recognized. AI evaluates language skills, offering more accurate results devoid of human errors. PTE has gained popularity because of its quick turnaround time. The results are typically provided in two business days. This technology-backed test is specially adapted to match the tight timelines of complex immigration processes like Canada.

Why Has Canada Approved PTE for the Immigration Process?

Canada continuously changes its immigration processes to ensure qualified candidates can move to Canada. It is a small part of a broader plan because Canada is booming with job vacancies and opportunities in various fields. The country aims to reduce the complexities of the immigration process and make it more accessible to the masses. Here are four reasons why Canada has approved PTE:

1. Increased Accessibility

With more language tests available, more immigrants can apply for Canadian immigration. Applicants who have earlier faced challenges in appearing for IELTS or CELPIP due to the unavailability of such tests in their region may now find an alternative through PTE.

2. Efficiency

The evaluation process during Canadian immigration is rigorous and has strict timelines. With PTE providing results within a few days, candidates can complete their applications faster. The newly added PTE increases time efficiency when meeting tight deadlines, which is a primary concern.

3. Reliability

Using modern technology to assess the tests minimizes human errors and provides accurate grades. The Canadian immigration system strives to maintain high standards to ensure the intake of qualified candidates. PTE results are both reliable and objectively aligned with the system’s requirements.

4. Global Recognition

Educational institutions and immigration bodies worldwide accept PTE for language skills testing. It is a popular and trusted choice for candidates from different countries.

Differences Between PTE, IELTS, and CELPIP

All three language tests follow different formats aiming at specific skills. Applicants for Canadian immigration must understand the differences. This will help them make an appropriate choice.

  • PTE (Pearson Test of English)

The PTE is completely computer-based. It uses AI to assess the recording of the speaking section. Results are generally provided within two business days, making it the fastest language test. It is ideal for candidates who prefer attempting online and want more rapid results.

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

IELTS offers two testing options: online and paper modes. The speaking test is organized vocally with an examiner. Candidates receive results within a week for computer-based and up to two weeks for paper-based examinations. Candidates who find speaking to someone more comfortable than a computer often choose this test.

  • CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program)

CELPIP follows a digital format like PTE. It is developed explicitly for candidates aiming to move to Canada. The test evaluates the applicant’s Canadian English proficiency. The test includes questions related to Canadian life, helping the applicant be more familiar with the contexts of Canadian English.

Candidates can choose the most suitable language test option according to their strengths, preferences and timeline.

How to Use PTE for the Canadian Immigration Process

If you are considering taking the PTE language test for your Canadian immigration process, follow these steps to complete your application successfully:

1. Select the Appropriate PTE Test

Be sure to choose the PTE Academic, the approved version from Canadian immigration. This test is for candidates planning to enrol in Canadian universities for higher education or seeking other immigration opportunities.

2. Register Early

Although you receive the PTE results faster, book your test early to ensure you do not miss the Canadian immigration timelines.

3. Prepare Thoroughly

As the exam is entirely computer-based, prepare yourself for the digital exam. Practice speaking to a computer and develop your listening, reading and writing skills. With preparation, the chances of getting high scores increase.

4. Submit Your Results

The PTE scores are directly sent to the IRCC. Candidates must update their Express Entry profiles with their scores to ensure they are considered for the total of their CRS scores.

Benefits of Using PTE for Canadian Immigration

Choosing the PTE language test can benefit candidates who value speed, convenience and digital efficiency. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Faster Application Submission

The timelines for applying for Canadian immigration are rigorous. The PTE language test ensures the results arrive within two days, so candidates can quickly proceed with their application without waiting longer.

  • Accurate Grading

The test is evaluated through AI, minimizing the chance of human errors. The candidate feels confident that their skills are fairly assessed and the grades are accurate.

  • Globally Accepted

PTE is a globally accepted language test. Candidates who have attempted PTE earlier for educational purposes may already be familiar with the format.

  • Accessibility

With the acceptance of PTE in Canada, candidates aiming for a fresh start in Canada have more test options. This helps avoid delays for candidates from countries where the IELTS and CELPIP have higher demands.


Canada’s acceptance of the PTE language test shows its effort to make its immigration process more flexible and accommodating. With an additional English language test, applicants can attempt a test that matches their strengths and timelines, increasing their chances of getting selected from the Express Entry talent pool.

Proving your English proficiency is important if you plan to move to Canada. The language scores are essential to improve the total in your CRS score, confirming your eligibility to enter the Express Entry system. With three language tests available, Canada’s immigration process has become more accessible.

To get a Canadian permanent residency, it is important to make the right choice to test your language skills. Candidates must be comfortable with the test format and understand the requirements to get better scores.

Proving your language skills is only a small part of the vast immigration process in Canada. Candidates must ensure that they equally understand the entire process to avoid delays or face rejections. Seeking advice from ImmigrationWay may greatly benefit submitting your application without missing any essential steps.