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Dos and Don’ts for Canadian Immigration

By November 9, 2018 July 2nd, 2024 No Comments

Canada is well-known around the globe as a great nation, which makes it easier for so many people from other countries to be able to aspire for a life here in Canada. If you have made up your mind to immigrate and it is a confirmed decision, Canada as a country has a lot to offer, from beautiful scenic landscapes to one of the most ethnically diverse cultures in the world. However, it is essential to be ready for the transition in order to dodge making common mistakes before you pack up and make the big move.


Research and Familiarize Yourself before the Move

Canada is a huge country with varied cultures and opportunities. Don’t presume that you can just arrive in a new country and straightaway find a house to live, buy a car to commute and bag a perfect job. You should ideally research and prepare for your first year in this country. You will be required to know how to overcome immigration hurdles and ways to efficiently settle into the country. Some difficulties that you might face are language barriers, employment licensing, culture differences, and climate, depending on when you are landing.


Expect a Quick Immigration Process

Although Canada has initiated an “Express Entry” program for immigrants with certain skill sets and experience with a target to process most applications in six months or under, it is not always the case for all immigration applicants. If you are not applying under this program, it could be a different case altogether for you. According to the IRCC’s website, the processing time may vary anywhere from around one month to over one year.


Create a Support Circle Around You

With a move as big as this one, one’s whole life goes through a complete change. You are not just relocating into a new neighbourhood or city, but you are moving into an entirely new country. To make your plan fail-proof, try building a network of people you know before you move. With family or acquaintances already living in Canada, your process of adjustment and adaptation will be way smoother. You will have people that can guide you in your house hunt, job search and in acclimatizing to your new surroundings. In today’s day and age, we have a horde of resources available to network. Join support groups, phone messenger and social media groups or message boards where topics related to immigration are discussed.


Forget to Carry Ample Resources to Get Started

Any big move would require you to plan a move with all the necessary resources to help you survive until you have started your new life. It could be difficult initially to find a job or a proper housing. So, for the first few weeks/months after you arrive, you will need adequate financial and logistical resources to sustain yourself.


Have the Right Skillset for the Deed Jobs

The Canadian job market does have certain standards and benchmarks that must be met to qualify for specific jobs or programs. If you fail to keep yourself updated about these qualification parameters, you may wind up being ineligible for many good job opportunities. Ideally, you must be qualified under the Federal Skilled Worker program in the areas of skilled work experience, language ability, and education.


Miss Out on Providing Proper Work Documents

When you are immigrant, you are required to have a legal permission to be able to work in a new country. The Canadian government needs immigrants to make sure they have all the mandatory documents before they start working in the country.


It is definitely an exciting decision for anyone who wants to move to a new country, full of possibilities. However, it can come along with its own set of struggles. In order to avoid making common mistakes and make your journey in the new place easier, you should follow the dos and don’ts and prepare well in advance of your immigration. Now you can make your life much more fulfilling and enjoy all the wonderful experiences Canada has to offer by consulting an immigration lawyer for professional guidance.