Canada allows potential immigrants to immigrate to Canada as Business Immigrants.

The Business Immigrant class includes three categories:

  • Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program;
  • Start-Up Visa; and
  • Self-Employed

All business applications require extensive documentation and can be greatly assisted by legal preparation.

Business Immigration Selection Criteria

Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program (IIVC)

  1. Making a $2 million non-guaranteed investment in the immigrant investor venture capital fund for approximately 15 years;
  2. Having a legally-obtained net worth of at least $10 million, acquired through lawful, profit-making business or investment activities;
  3. Meeting or exceeding CLB 5 in English or French for all four language abilities (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), as proven by the results of a designated language test; and
  4. Having completed a Canadian post-secondary credential of at least one year (or the foreign equivalent as validated by an Educational Credential Assessment).

Start-Up Visa

This program aims to attract entrepreneurs who can create and set up innovative companies that can create jobs. Support from a designated group, such as angel investors or venture capital firms, is required in most cases.


In order to be successful as a self-employed applicant, the person must have the intention and ability to create his/ her own employment and make a significant contribution to the cultural, artistic or athletic life of Canada or, to create his/ her own employment by purchasing and managing a farm in Canada.

A person must meet the minimum standard of relevant experience as a self-employed individual in cultural activities, athletics or participation at a world-class level in cultural activities, athletics or farm management.

The applicant must have relevant experience, intention, and ability to be self-employed in Canada in one of the specified areas and to make a significant contribution to one of these activities in Canada.

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